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The 8 productivity-enhancing apps you need

Monday morning, coffee in hand (or at your desk), and lots of tasks to cross off this week. You put on your headphones, a good Spotify playlist and you concentrate until you are summoned to a meeting, you are asked a question, you receive an urgent email… Do you feel identified? With so many stimuli, taking advantage of our time sometimes becomes complicated, so we recommend the 8 apps to improve productivity that you need on your mobile.

With them you can better manage your time, your tasks and above all, achieve your daily goals. Teamwork, organization, storage… A little bit of everything!

Aplicaciones mejorar productividad

To organize your tasks

  • ToDoist is an application that not only organizes your agenda, but also allows you to organize tasks by sections and issues reminders. It also has a Chrome extension that allows you to mark emails as a task. Its most basic functions are free, but if you want something more elaborate, you can opt for the paid option for 3 or 5 euros per month.
  • Focus To-Do: This application combines task organization and the pomodoro technique. So you will have a timer to focus on what is really important and you can calculate the time you have spent on each task. In addition, it synchronizes

Project management and workflow

  • Trello helps you organize processes efficiently. It works with the classic card system, so you can categorize tasks along a process and assign them to people in the team, mark them with colors, add files, receive notifications or mark a deadline. It is available on Google Play, Apple Store and in the browser.
  • Basecamp is one of the most popular tools for project management. It has an attractive and modern design and is very intuitive, which makes things much easier. It allows you to create different teams and projects and assign them to different people by setting a “deadline” that is notified to the person in charge. In addition, it allows you to create conversations around topics and ideas and create conversation threads, insert documents, links…

Undoubtedly, its main advantage is that it can be managed from the browser, the application or the e-mail itself.


  • Slack is the application you need if you want to streamline internal communication and stop wasting time with emails of all kinds. With it you can make voice and video calls, create channels for projects, share screens and send files easily, create chat rooms at different levels for those responsible for a project to talk, meet or share documents… It also integrates other tools such as Drive, Salesforce, Dropbox, Asana or Twitter.

Financial organization

  • Oyster is much more than an application. It is a financial platform that allows you to make transfers at no cost all year round. In addition, its interface has a very clean design and you will be able to see at all times the balance of your business finances.

Sign documents:

Every day we receive documents and often, we have to print them, sign them, scan them, sign them and send them by email. With HelloSign you eliminate all those steps because it allows you to sign electronically with legality.

Only the user who creates and sends documents pays a monthly fee. Those who receive it do not have to pay or have an account.

To focus on tasks:

  • If you are one of those who constantly look at your cell phone (did you know that Spaniards do it 150 times a day?) this application is for you. Forest is focused on disconnecting the mobile and proposes us to create our own virtual forest. You set yourself some goals in which you will not use the mobile and if you do, the tree will die. Beyond the simple curiosity, Forest collaborates with NGOs that allow them to plant real trees.

If you want to continue learning about how to improve productivity, you can’t miss this post about agile methodologies with the interview to Ana Morcillo.

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