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How to improve your self esteem at work

Why do some people seem confident and happy to us while others seem withdrawn and unconfident? What is self-esteem and how important is it for success in the workplace? How can we improve our self-esteem?

Having a stable job does not always mean enjoying full security and confidence in the work environment. Many people do not feel comfortable with their performance. How can we solve this?

Let’s look at 5 fundamental keys to increase motivation in the work environment.

  • The importance of people and the power of leaders

People are the most important asset for the success of any organization and it is necessary to start taking care of them. Their well-being is the first step to greater commitment and performance.

The involvement of leaders in the growth of the team, as well as the drive towards the creation of synergies within the team, are key for its members to feel supported, to feel that they contribute value and have real growth ambitions.

More and more companies are becoming aware of the importance of the link between the well-being and productivity of their team members when it comes to work.

  • Accept your limitations and work on improving them

You must accept your limits in a positive way; instead of beating yourself up thinking about what you can’t do, focus on how you can achieve it. One of our pillars at LOOM is the creation of innovative programming to promote the development of talent and the acquisition of tools with which to grow and learn new things.

  • Ask for help without fear

Although you may often be afraid to ask for help, you must remember that your peers have been through the same situation as you. Here leaders again play an important role in creating environments in which to face challenges collaboratively.

  • Accept your mistakes and learn from them

Making a mistake can bring your self-esteem down. Instead, understand that mistakes can be an opportunity to learn. Remind yourself of the lessons you have learned from it and how they have helped you improve.

  • Enhancing your strengths and recognizing your accomplishments

The first person who should know what you are good at is you. Pat yourself on the back when you achieve good results, think about where you were and where you’ve gotten to.

Now that you know the keys to improve your self-esteem, the only thing left to do is to put them into practice. We invite you to do it at LOOM, where you will find unique spaces, innovative programming and a heterogeneous community full of talent. In our agenda you will find workshops and courses on personal and professional growth to improve your self-esteem. Come and meet us!

Cómo mejorar la autoestima en el trabajo

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