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Welcome to PATIO Campus to LOOM Azca! | LOOM

LOOM, the flexible spaces division of MERLIN Properties, will host PATIO Campus in its space located in LOOM Azca, as a reference center in Madrid to promote innovation and entrepreneurship.

In the heart of Castellana, more specifically in the Ruíz Picasso 11 Building, the new PATIO Innovation & Startup Campus space is made tangible, a benchmark ecosystem in innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainability, which aims to be the meeting point of the innovative ecosystem.

It is a modern physical meeting point to unite corporations, entrepreneurs, public administration, startups, investors, NGOs, business schools and all those agents necessary for innovation to occur. PATIO Campus will encourage the development of collaborative projects that generate a real positive impact in our country. The project, which arises from the initiative of eight large corporations: BMW Group Spain, Cepsa, Iberia, Inditex, L’Oréal Groupe, Mahou San Miguel, MERLIN Properties and Pascual;  It has the support of the Community of Madrid as a sponsoring partner since its foundation. Furthermore, in recent months, partners such as Kfund, CEU San Pablo University, Cococo Ventures, Aunara, Social Nest, Leemons or Modulor, among others, have joined its ecosystem. In this way, PATIO Campus focuses on innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainability, three key axes to promote quality employment and the creation of wealth, thus resulting in a beneficial return for society.

This project is part of a new wave called Nazca, which wants to renew the area known as Azca, the financial heart of the Madrid capital, uniting large and small companies and thus promoting collaboration between entrepreneurs and large corporations. Thus, PATIO Campus will integrate training and advice for entrepreneurs in the same space, functioning as an incubator for new ideas and recruiting talent from large firms.

As for the space itself, PATIO Campus will occupy more than 1,800 m2 located in LOOM AZCA, within the Ruiz Picasso 11 Building, with a maximum layout of 206 jobs, in addition to a branding/showroom space for the founding corporations, meeting rooms for meetings and an agora for events. Its design and concept has been carried out by the flexible spaces division of MERLIN Properties, LOOM, which in turn will be in charge of managing it.

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