Books by and for entrepreneurs

Without a doubt, April is the month of literature and to celebrate it, we propose reading books that will help you boost your soft skills. These are the books for entrepreneurs that you cannot miss if you want to boost your leadership and creativity.

When you decide to start a business, the chances of it not working the first time are very high, but they go down if you have knowledge about leadership, marketing, creativity or personal development. We recommend books that inspire you, that stimulate you to create and that provide you with useful knowledge for your business life.

  • Never Stop – Phil Knight

Phil Knight is the CEO of Nike and this book tells the story behind this sports company that has been at the top for 50 years. Today, they have a turnover of over $30,000,000 and their logo and slogan are a global symbol.

  • Creativity S.A – Ed Catmull

Following in the line of successful companies, Creativity S.A. tells the story of Pixar from his perspective: how they have created the company culture, what they do to promote creativity and what has been the formula for success that has led them to the top.

libros para emprendedores

Creativity, leadership, marketing or personal development are very useful skills when setting up your business.

  • The Power of Habit: Why we do what we do in life and in business – Charles Duhigg

By changing small day-to-day things we can improve productivity and financial life. In addition, in this book the author reviews the history of great figures such as Martin Luther King, Michael Phelps and Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks.

  • Let My People Go Surfing – Yvon Chouinard

This is the story of Patagonia’s founder, Yvon Chouinard, a disruptive company that stands out for its real commitment to sustainability and the well-being of its employees. Among some of his initiatives: encouraging his customers to consume less, allowing his employees to take the afternoon off if they want to surf, or confronting multinationals that are not sustainable, among others.

  • The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen Covey

If you are interested in personal development, psychology and leadership, this book is for you. Throughout its pages the author teaches us how our mind works and what our behaviors respond to. He also emphasizes the importance of how we see the world and how we relate to our environment.

If you are still hungry for more, don’t miss these 10 book recommendations. If you prefer to learn without limits, ODILO has the solution for you.

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