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Closing The Gap: Scholarships for women who want to lead projects!

Inesdi and Three Points, the two digital schools of Planeta Formación y Universidades, announce the 5th edition of the “Closing_The_Gap” scholarships for women to jointly promote the training of digital skills especially oriented to business development.

Those interested can obtain a scholarship in any of the programs of both schools, focused on the Tech field (in the case of Three Points) and in business (in the case of Inesdi). You will be able to train in fields as diverse as Big Data, Fintech, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity or Digital Project Management.

What is the objective of these scholarships for women?

  • To help reduce the gender gap in management positions
  • To contribute to women in management positions with digital transformation project initiatives, who have not been able to carry them out due to lack of knowledge or tools, to be able to carry them out.
  • Promote women’s leadership in management positions in technological and digital areas.
  • Train female entrepreneurship and promote businesswomen.
  • Provide the necessary skills to successfully carry out digital transformation projects.

becas para mujeres

What do I have to do to get them?

To apply for your scholarship you have to send an email to becas@threepoints.com with the following information before September 4, 2022:

> Name and Surname.

> Master’s degree corresponding to your scholarship application.

> CV with details of professional experience and academic background.

> Copy of academic qualifications.

> Project proposal aimed at raising awareness of the existence of the gender gap in digital professions (1000 – 2000 words).

Check out all the details and find out about all the programs you will be able to access.

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