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Tackles remote work law with flexible solutions

Work from home has revolutionized the working life of many people, in some cases positively and in others negatively. These months of confinement and new normality have given us the opportunity to have a personal experience and experience with which to develop an opinion on the subject and identify the advantages and disadvantages of this new situation.

el teletrabajo

Let’s take a look at the plus points:

  • Flexibility
  • Conciliation
  • Self-management
  • Travel savings
  • Pollution reduction.

But what about the downsides?

  • Endless working hours
  • Distrust for the fulfillment of the work
  • No separation between work and personal life
  • Low technical resources
  • Concentration problems
  • Lack of connection with the team or misinformation.

In addition to these favorable and unfavorable points about this “format” of work, there is the new telework law with all that it implies for companies.

This year is full of challenges, changes and constant adaptation for both employees and employers, and the common goal is that people can work in the best possible conditions, without losing quality of life, with access to safe environments and with the necessary tools to perform their work and achieve their goals.

For all these reasons, and because our mission is to work in a different way that favors the well-being and productivity of people, at LOOM we have redefined our services to provide real, innovative and totally flexible solutions for any type of company. Yes, for anyone, from the one-person company to startups with more than 2 and 3 people in their team, scale-ups, SMEs and corporations.

Teams need secure workspaces where they can meet and stay connected, reduce commuting, reconcile their personal and professional lives, and feel satisfied and motivated at work.

All this is possible with services such as LOOM Passport, LOOM Meetings and LOOM Go!

The time has come to continue enjoying a workspace where you decide when, where and how to work.

Discover our services and boost your business from our spaces.

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